Amaroo Foundation

AET supports the Amaroo Foundation's trustee in reviewing applications and evaluating charitable partnerships.

Eligible charities can apply for funding via an expression of interest process aligned with the Amaroo Foundation’s giving strategy.

How granting decisions are made

Grant applications aligned with the Foundation’s giving strategy are considered by the Foundation’s trustee.

The Foundation is currently supporting organisations whose programs and services are aligned with the strategy’s key pillars and encourages applications from organisations that:

  • Provide access to education for ‘at risk’ children.
  • Deliver programs that can demonstrate outcomes that engage and empower children
  • Demonstrate strong partnership with local suppliers and enjoy community endorsement and support where they work

The Foundation accepts applications for funding up to the value of $25,000 per annum, and may consider supporting multiple year funding agreements with suitable charitable partners.

Organisations who complete an expression of interest will be advised of the outcome of their application within 3 months of submitting a completed grants application form.

Register your interest

Funding decisions are made in line with The Foundation’s giving strategy. We suggest you consider the following steps prior to contacting us directly:

Step 1: Familiarise yourself with The Foundation’s giving strategy and identify whether or not your organisational priorities are likely to align with the Foundation’s broad goal.
Step 2: Register your interest by completing the expression of interest form, when it is open.

Please note: Unfortunately, due to the number of enquiries we receive, we will only respond to expressions of interest we believe are aligned with The Foundation’s giving strategy.