
Leaving a bequest or gift to charity in your Will can be a great way to continue your legacy and passion for philanthropy.

A charitable bequest is appropriate if you want to:

  • make an outright gift from your estate
  • support a specific charity or charitable purpose
  • leave a lasting and powerful legacy.

Our team of estate planning lawyers has the experience and expertise to ensure your wealth is distributed according to your wishes and in the most tax-effective way.

Working closely with our Philanthropic Services Team, they can set up the bequest as part of your Will – to ensure your gift achieves effective and sustainable philanthropic results for the organisations or charitable purposes you have chosen to support.

Our team of estate planning lawyers have the experience and expertise to ensure your client’s wealth is distributed according to their wishes and in the most tax-effective way.

They can set up the bequest as part of your client’s Will, to ensure their gift achieves effective and sustainable results for the organisations or charitable purposes they have chosen to support.